Kind Of Luxe

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Sick Days, Cold Remedies, and a Hemsworth.

I had been doing so well of keeping myself healthy, I hadn't gotten sick since finals earlier this year when germs came with your side of coffee at my busy college library (disgusting I know). However - this morning I woke up with a tickle in my throat and stuffy nose and I just heard myself say 'NO!' out-loud, to no one in particular just a general no of disgust to the universe. So I stayed in bed, something that does not happen often anymore, did some pinning and tumblin' and reading - it had been a while since I just rested. Felt great but I knew this wasn't going to be enough so I got started on boiling water and taking out my special honey. I start with just a large teacup of hot water and lots of lemon. Drinking it slowly to help get rid of the itchiness and breathing in the steam. Next - a small dosage of warmed lemon juice and melted honey. I do a couple tablespoons of lemon juice put a tablespoon of honey and then heat it up for about twenty to thirty seconds. Slurp that stuff down and its an immediate throat itch relief and tastes pretty delish. I'm doubling up on vitamins of the C kind and taking the rest of the day to relax and do some photo editing in bed. Hopefully it passes quickly because no one can afford a cold - especially during the holidays!

Hope everyone is have a little better Saturday than I am!

Coffee Talk - I went and saw Hunger Games Catching Fire the other night and am still a little traumatized by it. I read the books so long ago I forget their intensity! It was just SO GOOD though I can't even begin to explain. Any of you into the Hunger Games and planning on seeing it this weekend? I mean Liam Hemsworth should be reason enough to see it, am I right?