Kind Of Luxe

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My love for a black mask...

I have been searching high and low for a suitable face mask. Like I've stated before - I live in Colorado - where it's always crazy dry and most likely snowing so my face needs major help, always. You think it would be easy, just walk into the wonderful world of Willy Wonka, I mean Sephora and there you find the golden ticket to a better face but, nay. That has not been the adventure for me. I have tried many products and settled for the past year on the simple Biore strips you can find at Target. They worked - every once in a while - but they weren't doing it for me. I knew I had to find something else.

So finally, I humbled myself to the nice ladies at Sephora and basically begged them to help me find a mask and they led me to their Boscia Luminizing Black Mask. At first I was a little intimidated by the sound of it especially when I realized that yes, it was actually a BLACK MASK you put on. I was terrified it would be too harsh on my skin - which is very much on the sensitive side bee tee dubs (by the way for those of you less acronym-y) . I got over my fear rather quickly and decided to do this mask on a Friday night just in case something went awry, I had the whole weekend to recuperate - physically and emotionally most likely.

There I was, in my bathroom at nine o'clock at night, like any normal twenty something would be on a Friday, slathering on this so called miracle mask. I was advised to make a good layer around my face and make sure that you couldn't see any of my skin underneath where I was applying it. I waited around for half an hour like the box said - watched an episode of Homeland - and proceeded to peel it off once the half hour was up.  

HOLY LUMINIZING BLACK MASK - my face was luminized! I was actually amazed at how instantly I could see a difference. My skin looked smooth and refreshed, it was a straight  miracle. The next morning, it looked even better which I didn't think could be possible. Fair warning, be careful around the hairline and baby hairs on your face, I got it a little too close and it felt like a terrible waxing so go slowly when peeling and gently . Whatever is left, use a damp face towel to gentle remove, it's much better on your skin than trying to pick at it to remove it.

I am very much in love with this product and have used it for two weeks now, twice a week. I feel like my skin has progressively improved since the first use and I am now a dedicated user. I'm curious to try Boscia's other products but for now, the black mask has me hooked and I'm super thrilled to have found this product. God bless you Sephora lady!

It's sold exclusively at Sephora so you can find it at their stores or HERE ONLINE.  

Has anyone else tried this awesome mask? What did you think?