Kind Of Luxe

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The Absence of Originality.

Sorry for my absence lately - my life has been on sort of a whirlwind and I was finding it difficult to write anything without hating it and then promptly deleting every post I started. I think my lack of inspiration has sort of come from the fact that I get many e-mails a day of people asking me to check out their websites and I'm more than happy to. However, I click on the link I'm given and I seem to see the same things over and over and over and over again to the point of complete and utter boredom. Where are people's creativity? Originality?  I feel so much lack to the point that I question myself. Am I boring with my posts, my pictures, my writing? I try my best to give original content mostly because I like discovering new things and how can I not share them with you all. It would be like your friend finding your favorite boutique is having a 24 hour sale, 75% off, and she doesn't tell you and buys everything! First of all, rude. Secondly, fire your friend and thirdly, my relationship with my readers has become one of friendship. We have become internet friends and how could I not share something with you that I have found or loved!

What I have noticed is there is a lot of posting on 'current' and 'trendy' which is fine but about 90% of the time I go to big name fashion magazines and blogs for that. I'm not at all implying that smaller blogs can't bring that content but someone who is always trendy in no way can have a voice in my opinion because trends come and go faster than it takes your twitter feed to update. It's the base of a person that matters.

I have also noticed so much of the 'reblog'. Basically taking what one person has posted and posting it yourself. I am not saying there is anything wrong with this either (only if proper credit isn't given - my biggest pet peeve!), I have done it a couple times but when it's every single post it gets soooooo boringgggggg. If you're going to post something that has already been posted then why not make it your own? I know that is what I'm trying to do and by no means am I a perfect blogger. I lack so much mostly because blogging is a hobby for me, I have two internships that I go to five days a week and work for my dad's company as well. Blogging happens when I get home from work in the evening or at six am with my giant cup of coffee.

I guess what I'm trying to say is, please for yours and everyone's sake. BE YOURSELF. There is absolutely no one else out there in the entire world that is exactly like you so your ideas are all yours. Why not share those instead of regurgitating what is already out there. I would much rather read your interpretation of an editorial or outfit rather than what Vogue or Man Repeller said. If I wanted to know what they said - I would simply visit their websites. Originality is key - if you are blogging just because you want to become 'famous' or just to be invited to fashion shows and getting freebies than your motives are completely wrong and your readers will catch on to that quickly. I have noticed that so much with the whole 'follow me and I'll follow you back but only if you follow me' shenanigans. That's not how it should be. I don't want to feel or anyone I'm sure wants to feel like they are being forced into reading your blog just because they follow you. I don't think that's fair. If you like a blog - follow it and support it because you like it. Not because it adds one more follower to your bloglovin or GFC account. If someone doesn't follow you back - don't be offended! It may just be that you have different styles and taste. I can guarantee though when you are posting honestly your readers will notice and support you. I know that's how I am!

I know I'm some weeks early but I've been thinking a lot about New Year's resolutions and one is to try my best at staying true to myself and my writing. For a while I thought my humor would seem disrespectful to the fashion and other stuff I post about but after long conversations with my oh so dear mom - she reminded me that I have always found humor in everything. Mostly because I love to make people laugh and I love laughing so why would I act or write any differently on my blog? (Thanks for that mom!) Also, I studied fashion at the top school you can study it and it wasn't until after I decided not to pursue a career in fashion (for now) that I figured out that I don't have to be so serious about it all the time. I mean - the world will not end if Marc Jacobs decides to forgo a Fall 2015 collection. Anna Wintor might die a little inside but she survives, just like we all do. So, I guess this post sort of turned out to be a talk out for myself and a way to take my own advise and if it helps you that's great! If it doesn't - oh well! If you hate me - unfollow me? I don't know but I figured that I wouldn't wait till the New Year to begin this outlook on my blog. So I'm starting today. Hope I didn't bore you all to death and if I did - my deepest apologies but this is my space to express myself to you not just about fashion but life in general which can get pretty hard for everyone and my way of coping is writing it out so that's what this post is for me. Thank you for those who took the time to read it.