Kind Of Luxe

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Currently: 1.3.14

June has quickly faded away and I can't believe we are already in the month of July. Half the year is over and I'm sort of frazzled with how quickly time went by! Staying positive though with life even though I've been rocked every which way lately. Positive, positive, did I mention positive? Ok. J'ai fini.

Here are my currents which seem to have stuck around from June but hey, I have yet to discover my July jam yet. Suggestions?


READING:  Looking for Alaska by John Green - I loved Green's book The Fault in Our Stars and the adaptation from book to movie was very well done. I knew I had to pick up another one of his books and this one has been great so far.


WATCHING: The Secret Life of Walter Mitty - I'm sooooo over the moon about this movie. The story line is so beautiful and really eye opening as to how we tend to limit ourselves and the adventure that comes with taking risks. I know it came out a couple months ago but I really do love watching it. The cinematography is absolutely breathe taking - makes me want to take out my passport and book a flight to Iceland this summer.


LISTENING: West Coast by Lana Del Rey & Heavenly Father by Bon Iver. Two of my favorite humans in the musical world just making hits for me to sing in my car. I can't get enough.


LUSTING: Chloé Wallet with Chain Strap - I've been looking for a cute night bag for a while now and I'm really leaning towards this Wallet. It's versatile for throwing in my bag in the day time then just adding lipgloss and my phone for night. The design is simple but elegant and It weighs barely anything which is perfect. I've tried it on a couple times and love the way it feels but I'm still a little on the fence...we'll see if I take the plunge in purchasing.

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