Kind Of Luxe

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Currently on my Bedside.

It's been a slow and steady process getting my life organized after moving in with Ben. We've updated the paint in our apartment, remodeled the bathroom, bought some furniture and I think it finally feels like home. I like to keep things very organized and thankfully so does Ben (#militarylife), so everything always has it's place. However, something about my bedside makes me ok with just setting things down without organizing them. Mixing my makeup, jewelry, and art together for a mini still-life. This little spot is the only place I don't mind the disorganization. It's become a small vanity so I usually place the items I'm using daily here. This is currently what is on my bedside.

1. Art from traveling. I bought this Picasso Linear drawing at the Picasso Museum in Spain a couple years ago. She is my favorite lady - simple and elegant. I paired her with this Ellsworth Kelly Print I found a couple years ago at an Art store in NYC. Similar Picasso Drawing here. 

2. Glossier Invisible Shield Daily Sunscreen. Sunscreen is so so so important! It prevents aging, wrinkles, and sun damage. This little product also helps with the effect of sitting in front of a screen all day. Who knew we needed protection from our computers! Makes sense though, I usually sit in front of my computer working 7+ hours a day, I can't imagine it's great for my skin. Shop Glossier Invisible Shield here. 

3. Skultana Small Ballerina Bowl. One of my favorite wedding gifts. I use it for matches and little perfume samples. It's super cute. Purchase Skultana Ballerina bowls here and here

4. Sarah Chloe Signet Ring. One of my favorite rings, I thought I had lost it (which I did, for a couple months) but I found it in an old handbag. I'm wearing it all the time again. Purchase Sarah Chloe Signet Ring here. 

5. Byredo La Tulipe Perfume. Started re-wearing this lovely scent every day this summer and now I'm almost out! Need to refill this bottle. It's super light and soft, it's perfect. Purchase Byredo's Le Labo Perfume here. 

What's your favorite item on your bedside? Let me know in the comments below!