Kind Of Luxe

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Cheers to 2019

It’s 2019!

Can you believe it?! I’m absolutely shocked by how quickly this past year went. I’m also realizing as I write this that it’s already the 23rd of January. So this month is almost over? Wow. I feel like I’m going to blink and we are celebrating Christmas again. Isn’t that always how it goes?

Well, as everyone does, I decided to make a New Year’s resolution. I have a couple personal ones like making time for my health both mentally and physically as well as actively trying to read more/watch less TV. Those seem to be pretty doable for me. I enjoy reading! I just become a little lazy and switch on the TV instead of grabbing a book. I’ve started doing little tricks for myself like putting the remote control in a drawer and setting a book on the table so it’s easier for me to grab the book than grab the remote. Silly little tricks but I feel like 23 days into the new year, it’s working! Don’t get me wrong, I still have a list of shows and movies I’d like to watch but I’ve also made a list of books that I keep in my notebook to remind myself that there is so much material out there I want to read!

Another resolution I made was to create more. You may be thinking, isn’t that your job!? Well, it is… but, it can sort of take a back seat when you have to also be working on the logistics of what it is to be a creative. It’s not just picking up a camera and shooting. I mean, that’s the best part of it but it’s not the only part. The other part is scheduling the shoots, tracking down products and packages, sending invoices, re-sending invoices, waiting for payments, chasing down payments, following up with previous clients, et cetera! I mean, the list goes on and on and I sometimes feel like I can get lost in that whole process. So, the resolution is to create for myself. Not just for clients! I want to really focus on making things that push my creative boundaries. I used to carry my camera with my everywhere I went, now I resort to an iPhone because to be frank - it’s just easier. But that also means it’s more lazy of me. I could bring my camera around, it’s heavy and annoying but I’m always happy when I have it and with the results of my pictures. That creative process also trickles into this little blog I have. I like writing, I like posting pictures, I like making mood boards and talking about kitchens - so why don’t I dedicate more time to it? I don’t know! It just hasn’t been a priority but that is what I want to focus on this year. I want to post more and take more pictures and talk about those pictures. So, here we are. Figured the best step was to share to you all that I am going to try more. I feel like by putting it out in the world, it sort of gives me some accountability. Which is good for me personally - I need to be reminded!

I also want to thank everyone who comes and visits this space of mine. Thank you. Thank you for taking the time to read, respond, like, comment, or just scroll through! I appreciate each and every one of you. You guys have no idea how much you push me to post and create more. It means the world to me that you chose to check back.

Thank you to all the brands and PR Agencies who also worked with me this past year. Without you, it would be so much harder for me to do what love to do! Thank you for supporting me and your continued support. I can’t wait to see what’s to come in this New Year. I have a lot of exciting changes and projects coming ahead both personally and professionally and I’m so thrilled to share them with you all when the time comes so please keep checking back!

Cheers friends! Hope your New Year is off to a great start. :)

I’ll be posting again soon….promise!

xx Mindy

Make sure to follow along on my other channels as well!