Kind Of Luxe

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PERSONAL NOTE: 3.25.2021

Wow, it’s been a minute! Or 4+ months that I’ve update my blog. It took the back burner when Covid hit, I just couldn’t find any inspiration to be frank! There was too much happening for me to feel like this space was important but I’ve realized how much I’ve missed blogging. Social media has become such a heavy place for me and with this new chapter of becoming a mother, I wanted to come back to my roots. I’ve been blogging for 10+ years now! It’s always been something I’ve done to get inspired and inspire others. So I’m going to actively try to update again. I’m sure I’ve said this before and ended up not being so active but when I first started blogging, it was my safe space to write and share and not feel any pressure. I’m drawn to that again and I thank you if you’ve stuck around for all these years or are new to reading my blog. I appreciate each and every single one of you!

I wanted to be open on here too with you all that I’m not sure what the direction I will take of this space. I know I’ll still be sharing my typical lifestyle, fashion, beauty but I’ve also been so inspired by interiors and cooking that I think I’d like to venture into sharing my interior projects and all the recipes I’m trying. I’m not quite sure how much of Motherhood I want to touch on. I’ve been very protective of that new role and I’m sure i’ll share tidbits here and there because it’s truly my number one role now but I’m also aware of the importance of keeping my daughter’s life mostly private. So I wouldn’t write myself in as a ‘mommy blogger’ and that’s ok! It’s just not our journey but as always, things evolve and change so we’ll see how things develop.

I wanted to also open up for feedback! Is there anything you’d like to see from me on my blog or my Instagram? More of something specific that you like? Would love to know so please leave a comment or message me!

Once again, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You don’t have to be here or read this but your choose to and I’m forever grateful for that. As always, my ‘door’ is open to chat - feel free to message and talk to me, I love chatting with you all! Love you guys to bits.

xx Mindy